Near: Haywards Heath
Level of event: Local
Type of event:
Planners comments.
Thanks for dragging yourselves out of bed on such a dreary day. The going was lovely and muddy, and I hope you all enjoyed your runs, especially all the newcomers. It was really nice to hear all your comments. A big thank you to all the helpers. I really enjoyed planning the event and would recommend it to anyone.
i tried to come up with lots of different route choices on as many legs as possible. Please upload your routegadget so I can see where you all went.
Comments from the Organiser.
Tommy had high expectations of his Organiser and volunteer team. They all excelled, Ralph, Joe and Paul on SI. Di and Indy on map sales. Anna, Steve, Peter and Neil on newcomer assistance - the scouts had a really great experience and this was down to you. Julia on being an excellent attention to detail mentor for Tommy - as well as guarding the bridge over which many of you safely crossed. Benny for his usual good humour and words of encouragement on the start. Steve for sorting all the parking permission. Mickey, Scarlet, Julie on parking. Thanks also to the Heap, Turner and Brooker rabble on much of the other stuff. Jack, Mike, Benny, Di, Indy and Scarlet on control collection.
Thoroughly enjoyed the whole process and it was great to see so many happy faces, as well as the occasional grimace!
Is a web app for sharing and comparing orienteering routes. You can draw your own route or upload a GPS track from your watch. It also allows you to watch an animated replay with a simulated mass start.
SOG Series Info
SOGs are friendly club events where children and newcomers are very welcome. Yellow and Orange courses are suitable for children to run on their own with a bit of practice. Adults are welcome to shadow children until they are confident to go on their own. Green and Blue courses are run or walked by any age group - you can race competitively or just enjoy the woodland.
There are two series of events - autumn and spring of approximately 8 events each. Electronic timing (SI) is used.
Help on the day always appreciated.
Location Info
Nearest town: Haywards Heath
- Postcode: RH17 5DP *
- Lat,Lng:51.00484,-0.13359
- Grid Ref: TQ310245
- Google Map
- Streetmap (OS 50k)
- Bing Map (OS 50k)
- OpenStreetMap
* Postcodes are not very precise in some areas, so don't rely on them for an exact location.
Directions / Parking
The easiest route from all directions is via the A272. Parking is at Warden Park Academy, Broad Street, Cuckfield (B2184). RH17 5DP. Turn north off the A272 onto the B2184 from the roundabout at the eastern end of the Cuckfield bypass (signed Cuckfield B2184). The entrance into Warden Park Academy is after 800 metres on the left, just after the Wheatsheaf Pub. Parking is on the tennis courts (playground) accessed by taking the left fork of the driveway. Please follow signs and the marshals instructions. Car parking £1.
Public Transport
Nearest trains at Haywards Heath (2km)
Course Information
Blue: approx 5.2km
Green: approx 3.8km
Orange: approx 2.6km
Yellow: approx 2.1km
These are provisional distances and may change slightly.
Note that the start / finish area is 600 metres from the car park, initially along pavements and then a public bridleway. Follow the red/white tapes – please use the pedestrian crossing to cross Broad Street. Two side roads also need to be crossed. Please take care. Parents/guardians are advised to accompany children under 16 crossing the road to the start and returning from the finish. Note that the start and finish will be close to each other.
There is a punching start and finish.
Yellow and Orange courses have a marshalled compulsory crossing point over the stream. You MUST cross here. The bridge is narrow and slippery. Take care when crossing.
The Green course has suggested crossing points over the stream. Competitors may cross wherever they like, but please be aware of deep water and take care whilst crossing. A single-strand barbed wire fence marking the edge of OOB in the North of the area has been taped.
The Blue course has a single-strand barbed wire fence marking the edge of OOB in the North of the area. It has been taped.
All courses may encounter 2 very small areas marked with hazard tape. They are in the middle of the map and are OOB for orchids. Please avoid. Some indistinct paths and VERY indistinct due to leaves. First section of the course is steep - please take care.
Safety bearing: Walk south-west until you reach the tarmac path then head west towards assembly.
Entry Details
Pre-entry via Newcomers are welcome and eligible for a free trial session - if you'd like to reserve a map or discuss the event please email our membership secretary.
BOF member fees: Seniors £6.50, Juniors £3.25, SO Juniors free.
Non member fees: Seniors £7.50, Juniors £3.25.
If shadowing a junior or going as a family group with one map and one dibber, just enter one junior.
'Dibber' hire:
Electronic punching (SI) chips are available to hire. SIAC (contactless): £2 (juniors £1), non-SIAC (not contactless) £1 (juniors £0.5)
Registration open
9:45 to 10:45
Start Times
10:00 to 11:00. Courses close at 12:30.
Map Details
1:7500. Minor updates by Will Heap for 2019. Resurveyed and extended in 2017 by Les Hooper. Based on the original 2007 map by Les Hooper.
Terrain Description
Millenium Wood was formerly farmland, planted 15 to 20 years ago with native species and has quickly achieved a level of maturity. This is complemented by blocks of ancient woodland, some conceal former stone pits with significant ground detail. Parts of the area are likely to be very muddy.
Dog restrictions
Please keep under control and clear up any mess. Note that the competition area is very popular with dog walkers.
None. There are public toilets at the car park near the junction of Broad Street and Cuckfield High Street. Post event, The Wheatsheaf is one of several local pubs offering hot and cold food.
Full leg cover required. Wear appropriate clothing for running in January. Some paths are very muddy and all courses involve some steep descents. Make sure shoes are adequate. You are advised to carry a whistle.
The area is very popular with walkers, cyclists and horse riders. Please be courteous at all times. Our continued use of this area depends on us not upsetting the locals.
Contacts / Officials
Planner: Tommy Heap
Photo Gallery
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