2018/19 Autumn League ResultsSouthdowns Gallopen

Last Updated: Sat 23 Mar 2019

2018/19 Autumn SOG final league standings

Blue Course League Table
Green Course League Table
Orange Course League Table
Yellow Course League Table

Total is made up of best 5 (Blue & Green) or best 4 (Orange & Yellow) scores. Planners get the average of their scores from other events in the league. Score is calculated using this formula:

Runner score = 1000 + (200 * (average_time - runner time)) / standard deviation time

Events for this league


Position Name Class SOG1 SOG2 SOG3 SOG5 SOG6 SOG4 SOG7 SOG8 SOG9 Total
1 Troy Southall M14 1114 1221 1330 1014 1367 1282 1225 6425
2 Neil Crickmore M55 1242 1258 1342 1202 1219 1240 1265 1165 6347
3 Chris Hooker M55 1204 1245 1205 1162 1322 6138
4 James Yule M16 1077 1193 1200 1308 1274 6052
5 Richard Sansom M45 1148 1129 1211 1119 1217 5824
6 Anna Chapman W45 1057 1119 1074 1045 1088 5383
7 Andrew Clark M55 1023 1081 1086 1080 997 786 5267
8 Jill Blount W55 1021 1051 1073 1076 993 1039 894 5260
9 Samuel Leitch M18 1321 1247 1322 1281 5171
10 Joe Barrett M55 864 954 986 1086 1026 994 992 5084
11 Alan Yule M40 1092 1106 867 1130 882 5077
12 Rob Leathley M45 1169 897 977 1064 935 5042
13 Edward Cox M55 997 1013 996 1012 996 638 1000 5018
14 Andrew Hannaford M60 1019 940 1112 923 985 4979
15 Alan Velecky M50 1231 1207 1189 1298 4925
16 Darren Warner-Swann M45 1020 980 1012 875 892 4779
17 Paul Wilson M55 879 1011 917 1021 899 818 653 780 4727
18 Peter Chapman M50 1175 1169 1175 1143 4662
19 Steve Jarvis M55 964 1100 1120 1130 4314
20 Robin Smith M65 1025 1069 1059 1084 4237
21 Clive Hawkes M55 1025 1044 965 945 3979
22 Rob Keet M60 986 912 1022 1023 3943
23 Mike Turner M65 844 994 966 960 3764
24 Alexander Lines M21 1230 1278 1212 3720
25 Barry Jones M50 1222 1199 1176 3597
26 Gethyn Lewis M50 426 726 712 671 705 716 3530
27 Lucy Jepson W21 1148 1100 1177 3425
28 Nick Care M55 1132 1183 1032 3347
29 Kerria Rowan W21 1103 1045 1149 3297
30 Rob Burridge M50 1192 960 1144 3296
31 Benjamin Brooker M40 923 1125 1182 3230
32 Simon Fitzpatrick M45 1003 1090 1083 3176
33 Thomas Jarvis M20 1030 1085 1055 3170
34 Jon Wallace M60 557 626 452 715 621 582 3101
35 Dave Taylor M45 356 830 890 892 2968
36 Simon Dunkley M50 973 962 929 2864
37 Amy Hulley W21 1003 825 1003 2831
38 Jane Lambert W55 971 957 882 2810
39 Michael Merritt M60 946 1026 742 2714
40 Roger Maher M80 832 883 899 2614
41 Ruth Rhodes W75 501 570 539 447 557 2614
42 Steve Blount M55 1239 1239 2478
43 Jack Kosky M21 1187 1209 2396
44 Robert Lines M50 1167 1083 2250
45 Mark Chapman M55 1082 1082 2164
46 Ian Ditchfield M60 1068 1077 2145
47 John Pittam M65 665 727 696 2088
48 Euan Raeside M16 876 1118 1994
49 Penny Marsh W55 919 852 1771
50 Barry McElearney M50 767 960 1727
51 Michael Taylor M45 710 965 1675
52 Marion West W50 772 854 1626
53 Claire Leitch W50 683 742 1425
54 Nicholas Jarvis M21 1281 1281
55 Matthew Leitch M21 1267 1267
56 Paul Luttman M45 1248 1248
57 Liam Marsh M20 1238 1238
58 Kevin Goddard M55 1219 1219
59 Julia Jarvis W50 1174 1174
60 Simon Thraves M55 1140 1140
61 Rob Lines M50 1130 1130
62 Amelia Bartlett W16 1109 1109
63 Robin Wilson M60 1065 1065
64 Tim Bartlett M55 1058 1058
65 John Hayler M55 1030 1030
66 Andrew Parkinson M65 1015 1015
67 Beau Beames M16 1006 1006
68 Timothy Carder M60 946 946
69 Peter Dudman M65 940 940
70 Cameron Pattenden M16 932 932
71 Pollie Boyle W45 932 932
72 Tim Hulley M55 907 907
73 Ilya Schippers M16 862 862
74 Susan Crickmore W55 849 849
75 Barrie Pearson M65 826 826
76 Gavin Hurley M40 812 812
77 Kyle Holman M35 732 732
78 Penny Parker W50 716 716
79 Linda Hulley W60 648 648
80 David White M65 536 536
81 Anna Bartlett W50 493 493


Position Name Class SOG1 SOG2 SOG3 SOG5 SOG6 SOG4 SOG7 SOG8 SOG9 Total
1 Emils Ummers M14 1323 1324 1295 1204 1292 1289 6523
2 Alan Williamson M65 1270 1248 1166 1229 1234 1270 1267 1270 1279 6356
3 Edward Forman M65 1014 924 1161 1078 1111 1169 1128 1192 1174 5824
4 Cameron Pattenden M16 1104 1152 1186 1238 1136 5816
5 Peter Dudman M65 1122 1146 1179 1127 1145 5719
6 Einar Solgaard M70 1170 1117 1155 1150 1027 5619
7 Nick Hockey M70 1012 1098 883 1051 1176 1230 5567
8 John Dasey M35 1132 1185 1182 1059 1003 5561
9 Jules Wheeler W40 1054 1110 1089 1105 1144 1064 5512
10 Nadine Clark W55 1137 1109 960 1154 1031 1058 5489
11 John Morris M70 1060 1098 1147 910 1036 942 5283
12 Julie Drake W45 1105 1061 1116 981 1003 5266
13 Jasmine Bennett W65 1008 1083 990 1075 989 988 937 959 1047 5203
14 Kathleen Southall W55 987 897 731 1081 1112 845 1094 5171
15 Andy Ward M55 711 1065 1063 973 1064 832 993 978 868 5163
16 Maureen Fitzpatrick W45 916 1006 1113 1008 1079 5122
17 Patrick Windsor Brown M55 984 974 1105 1055 989 5107
18 Chris Simpson M70 1041 967 882 988 1055 1023 5074
19 Andrew Phillips M60 794 982 934 954 1084 1096 5050
20 Andrew Parkinson M65 1194 1242 1276 1272 4984
21 James Parker M70 1037 968 1025 1014 903 888 4947
22 Ralph Phillips M70 987 1053 859 1091 943 4933
23 Mike Ralph M60 1036 943 1020 842 944 955 4898
24 Tim Hulley M55 1164 1199 1167 1190 4720
25 Steve Southall M60 983 1228 1264 1239 4714
26 Peter Stubberfield M35 721 859 1123 1063 914 4680
27 Karen Ashworth W50 957 956 805 1027 923 4668
28 Leslie Hooper M75 796 936 951 961 846 4490
29 Susan Crickmore W55 1075 1056 1112 1136 4379
30 Bridget Hooper W70 648 910 714 829 670 1045 4168
31 Diane Goodwin W55 889 1003 993 824 3709
32 Ian Goodwin M60 975 863 960 910 3708
33 Ffion Jones W16 1222 1171 1120 3513
34 Mike Turner M65 1187 1164 1121 3472
35 Clive Hawkes M55 1196 1155 1093 3444
36 Sylvia Coles W70 889 752 569 532 695 3437
37 Amy Hulley W21 1121 1038 1254 3413
38 Madelyn Bartlett W14 1158 1123 1114 3395
39 Christine Jepson W60 1177 1004 1123 3304
40 Mark Salthouse M55 1111 1105 1066 3282
41 Brian Rodgers M70 519 690 723 559 487 788 3279
42 Martin Sheriff M60 1147 875 1154 3176
43 Kate Turner W45 1151 1211 689 3051
44 Leslie Coles M75 1039 994 939 2972
45 John Guthrie M50 1049 937 947 2933
46 Linda Hulley W60 909 934 1023 2866
47 Barry Hatton M60 820 962 991 2773
48 Chris Taylor W65 723 609 714 682 2728
49 Marion West W50 498 1069 1156 2723
50 Simon Bowes M45 677 805 1129 2611
51 Paul Luttman M45 1187 1400 2587
52 Amelia Bartlett W16 1233 1265 2498
53 Julia Jarvis W50 1159 1283 2442
54 Patrick Maher M80 804 926 673 2403
55 Jennie Warner W35 1135 1248 2383
56 Neil Watts M60 1126 1197 2323
57 Penny Marsh W55 1120 1152 2272
58 Barrie Pearson M65 1058 1201 2259
59 Anna Bartlett W50 1141 1108 2249
60 Charlotte Polhill W40 441 873 929 2243
61 Di Turner W65 1107 1113 2220
62 Steve Ewens M60 1009 1089 2098
63 John Pittam M65 1045 1045 2090
64 Neil Hocking M35 1002 1079 2081
65 Clare Lines W50 984 1082 2066
66 Arabella White W35 995 1063 2058
67 Michelle Gardner W45 995 881 1876
68 Sally-Anne Simmons W35 808 1026 1834
69 Judith Carder W60 682 1005 1687
70 Lorna Lindfield W70 846 825 1671
71 John Vercarre-Shaw M45 377 434 806 1617
72 Mike Baron M75 820 660 1480
73 Nicola Yule W45 896 496 1392
74 Euan Raeside M16 1386 1386
75 Susan Parker W75 706 673 1379
76 Stanley Heap M18 1379 1379
77 Liam Marsh M21 1370 1370
78 Steve Jarvis M55 1283 1283
79 Ian Ditchfield M60 1274 1274
80 Cliff Woolford M65 1182 1182
81 Beau Beames M16 1169 1169
82 Judy Hayler W55 1122 1122
83 Ian Curtis M50 1097 1097
84 Stuart Purdy M45 1097 1097
85 Clare Devine W21 1062 1062
86 David Funnell M50 1040 1040
87 Jane King W60 948 948
88 Ken Lawton M75 879 879
89 Frankie Warner-Swann W16 864 864
90 Lola Vercarre-Shaw W12 378 443 821
91 Becky Barnard W21 814 814
92 Matthew Carrington M21 791 791
93 Jannion Ireland W60 750 750
94 Mike Gammon M85 703 703
95 Gemma Barret W40 688 688
96 Penny Parker W55 557 557
97 Hannah Taylor W14 535 535
98 Aileen Hargreaves W65 502 502
99 Ron Hunnisett M70 409 409
100 Michael White M80 348 348


Position Name Class SOG1 SOG2 SOG3 SOG5 SOG6 SOG4 SOG7 SOG8 SOG9 Total
1 Ben Chapman M10 1201 1038 1209 1290 4738
2 Hannah Taylor W14 873 1050 892 1201 1052 1005 4308
3 Susan Parker W75 1047 1115 909 1078 4149
4 Brian Taylor M70 839 870 1067 647 881 3657
5 Kieran Fitzpatrick M12 1073 1206 1262 3541
6 Gill Smith W80 953 1025 780 2758
7 Bethany Taylor W12 686 847 1073 2606
8 Garry Greenstreet M45 1285 1321 2606
9 Thomas Duncan M10 732 931 770 2433
10 Frankie Warner-Swann W16 1270 1149 2419
11 Sue Pearson W65 789 1007 1796
12 Henry McLaughlin M35 1061 733 1794
13 Daniel Duncan M10 723 772 1495
14 Madelyn Bartlett W14 1370 1370
15 Sally-Anne Simmons W35 1344 1344
16 Peter Stubberfield M35 1301 1301
17 Caspar Lewers M12 1231 1231
18 Ayla & Sophia Bowes W12 1200 1200
19 Tobias Lewers & Reuben Chantler M14 1193 1193
20 Andrew Phillips M60 1182 1182
21 Max Barnard M10 1169 1169
22 Richard Hocking M65 1080 1080
23 William Jones M10 1034 1034
24 Rebecca Wheatley W45 1000 1000
25 Archie Pearson M10 984 984
26 Linda Hulley W60 972 972
27 Hannah Warner-Swann W18 909 909
28 Zachary Turner M10 886 886
29 Tobias Lewis & Brother M12 846 846
30 Avla and Sophia Bowes W14 816 816
31 Freddie Archie Pearson M10 800 800
32 Chris Bradfield M70 720 720
33 Michael Shove M85 690 690
34 Brian Smith M85 564 564


Position Name Class SOG1 SOG2 SOG3 SOG5 SOG6 SOG4 SOG7 SOG8 SOG9 Total
1 Emma Chapman W10 903 854 1072 974 1030 3979
2 Emily Waters W10 590 863 1046 958 1010 944 3958
3 Loren Leathley W10 1244 1283 800 3327
4 Bethany Taylor W12 1221 1084 984 3289
5 Maisie Wheeler W10 957 696 756 618 3027
6 Lucas Waters M10 1028 1068 777 2873
7 Eddie Baker M10 1129 1223 2352
8 Olly George M10 1109 1200 2309
9 Persephone Boyle W10 1348 1348
10 Zachary Turner M10 1313 1313
11 Ayla Bowes W14 1201 1201
12 Issy Keet W6 1195 1195
13 Nick Raeside M55 1169 1169
14 Emma Chapman & Dad and Team W10 938 938
15 Daniel Duncan M14 714 714
16 Roger Roberts M70 702 702