Junior News

Southdowns Juniors at JIRCSJunior Inter-Regional Competition

Jircs 2017 Sejs Team

Sam, Ffion, Stan, Scarlet and Tommy represented the South East Junior Squad (SEJS) in this years Junior Inter-Regional Championships at the end of September.

Wed 11 Oct 2017Read more…

Youth Orienteering Away Day

British Orienteering has organised a junior coaching day on Tuesday 24 October 2017

Wed 11 Oct 2017Read more…

Younger Junior Training at Great Walstead School

There will be a coaching session for the younger juniors (aged upto 11) ahead of the SOG at 09.15 on Saturday 7 October 2017. Please confirm to Karen Ashworth if you will attend.

Wed 4 Oct 2017Read more…

Four Champions and Three Podiums at British Sprint/Middle Champs

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Congratulations to our new British Champions Ruth Rhodes (Sprint), Scarlet Heap, Pat Jaffe and Mike Gammon (Middle)

Sun 1 Oct 2017Read more…

Congratulations to…

Stan Heap who was this week named as a member of the Great Britain talent squad (https://www.britishorienteering.org.uk/news/3885). Also to Ali Masson who recently competed for Great Britain at Euromeeting 2017, and to Scarlet Heap, Ruth Rhodes, Tommy Heap, Jack Kosky and Neil Crickmore for making the podium at the London City Race. Finally to Ali Masson and Jonny Crickmore who were part of the victorious England SHI team.

Sun 10 Sep 2017Read more…

Alistair Masson selected to run for GB at JWOC

Congratulations to Ali who will represent Great Britain at the Junior World Championships in July.

Tue 9 May 2017Read more…