Junior News

SO Junior Squad Compete at YBT Final 2024

Team Ice Cream

On 7th July our junior squad travelled to Northaw Great Wood in Hertfordshire to compete in the final of the Yvette Baker Trophy. This is the premier Junior Inter-Club competition for English and Welsh orienteering clubs. We had a team of fourteen juniors ranging from age 9 to 18.

The team braved torrential rain to get around their courses. The team did really well with some knockout performances. Full results here and courses here. After the event everyone got the now customary ice cream.

Next year's event is on 6th July and is being organised by SO at Capite Wood, so save the date now.

Fri 19 Jul 2024Read more…

Success at JK International Festival of Orienteering

Roger Personal

Congratulations to all those who took part in JK over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend. Our very own Roger won all his races and got the JK Performance Shield as well as gold medals for the sprint and the two day event in M85L. Darrell High achieved a silver medal in M55L, Heather High a bronze medal in W18E and Ruth Rhodes a bronze medal in W80L over the two-day event.

Wed 10 Apr 2024Read more…

SO have five new Southern Champions

P1120599 S Champs 1200X1200

This year's Southern Championship took place at the November Classic in the New Forest on 5th Nov. This is a popular event for Southdowners and is always well attended.

Emma Chapman W12, Ben Chapman M14, Will Heap M50, Julia Jarvis W55 and Alan Velecky M55 all tackled the long courses over fast but pretty wet terrain and beat off stiff competition to become Southern Champions. They were each awarded a trophy, as well as a coveted Southern Championships Beanie Hat:

In addition the following members made the podium and got a beanie hat.

2nd M21E Nick Jarvis (he was 2nd by 1 second), 3rd W10A Harriet Nichols, 3rd W12A Emily Waters, 3rd M18E Tommy Heap, 3rd W80 Ruth Rhodes

Wed 8 Nov 2023Read more…

​Peter Palmer Junior Team Relays 2023


One of the premier junior relay events of 2023 took place at Stowe Park, Buckinghamshire, in the early hours of Sunday 10 September. SO had a full team (hooray!) with a mix of very experienced and novice relay runners.

The SO team arrived in small groups at the event base in the early evening of the day before. Part of the tradition of the event is that all teams prepare for the early morning start by taking over a large hall and sleeping on the floor. Some of the other club teams participated in a football tournament, though our SO team (quite sensibly) preferred to minimise the chance of injury and save their energies for the running during the main event.

Tue 10 Oct 2023Read more…

SO Juniors win Bronze at the British Mixed Sprint Relays


SO fielded eleven teams at the British Mixed Sprint Relays on 17th Sept 23 at Brunel University. We had some very good results including one of our junior teams on the podium.

Emma, Kai and Emily raced around the University at top speed and placed 3rd in the 12- competition. Brilliant result against some very competitive teams.

Other notable performances were the Super Vet 55+ teams of Peter, Sue and Neil who came 4th and Steve, Jane and Ian who came 6th.

See provisional results here. Further SO photos can be found by reading on...

Sun 17 Sep 2023Read more…

SO Juniors compete at YBT Final


Southdowns Orienteers Junior Squad travelled to Yorkshire to compete in the Yvette Baker Trophy Final on 9th July 23.

This is the annual Junior Inter Club competition where the best clubs from each region across England and Wales compete. Our Junior Squad earnt their place for the South East back in March.

Fri 14 Jul 2023Read more…