Permanent and Virtual Orienteering Courses
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- Permanent and Virtual Orienteering Courses
Last updated January 2024
There are a number of Permanent Orienteering Courses (POCs) and Virtual Orienteering Courses (VOCs) in Sussex, which can be used to practise on. Whatever your level of experience and fitness, you can devise an activity to suit you. Add interest to a family walk, explore a site during your holidays or give a fresh challenge to a training run.
Orienteering is by definition an adventure sport and as you become more confident and experienced you will want to choose options that take you off the tracks in search of control sites within woodland or heathland. Please use these facilities sensibly and be aware of your limitations – it is very easy to underestimate the time it will take to complete an orienteering course compared to, say, a Park Run of similar length. Please abide by the club’s general safety advice.
Permanent Orienteering Courses
These courses are run by third parties although most use maps produced by Southdowns Orienteers. A list of the courses available and how to access maps can be found on the GoOrienteering website and at the bottom of this page.
Maps are available for these courses, which show the location of around 20 controls. A number of possible courses have been suggested at the bottom of each map, however there is nothing to stop you starting from wherever you wish and visiting whichever controls you want in any order.
The controls are marked by square plaques split into one red and one white triangle. Most of these are fixed to posts, benches or trees. On each plaque is a number corresponding to that marked on the map, also on the plaque is a unique letter. Noting down this letter provides proof that you have visited the control. On the map in most cases is a series of boxes, one for each control. Each box contains the number of the control, a description of its location and a space into which to copy the letter from the plaque..
As an alternative to a physical permanent course with markers on the ground, we devised during the pandemic a series of virtual courses which you can follow using the GPS facilities of a smartphone or smartwatch to confirm that you have reached the desired location. A list of available courses is also available from the GoOrienteering website and can also be found at:
Additional information about both Permanent and Virtual Courses can be found at
The following locations have POC courses run by various organisations:
- Friston Forest, Friston TV554994 (Run by Forestry England)
Maps and course details available to download from Forestry England
- Tilgate Park, Crawley - TQ267345 (Run by Tilgate Park Watersports)
Maps available to download (£4) from or by contacting Tilgate Park Watersports, Tilgate, Crawley RH10 5PQ. Phone 01293 665709. Email
- Southwater Country Park, Southwater - TQ159256 (Run by Southwater WaterSports)
Maps available to download (£4) from or by contacting Southwater Watersports Centre, Southwater Country Park, Southwater, West Sussex RH13
9UN. Phone: 01403 734424. Email
- Hove Park, Hove TQ288063 (Run by Brighton and Hove City Council)
Maps can be downloaded free of charge from Brighton and Hove City Council.
- Preston Park, Brighton TQ303064 (Run by Brighton and Hove City Council)
Maps can be downloaded free of charge from Brighton and Hove City Council.
- Queens Park, Brighton TQ324050 (Run by Brighton and Hove City Council)
Maps can be downloaded free of charge from Brighton and Hove City Council.
- St Ann's Well Gardens, Brighton TQ297048 (Run by Brighton and Hove City Council)
Maps can be downloaded free of charge from Brighton and Hove City Council.