Park-O P1Worth School and AGMSat 01 June, 2024

Near: Turners Hill
Level of event: Local
Type of event: Race



With 2 weeks to go this event was without a planner. If you have planned before or would like to have a go for the first time, please speak to/email any of the club committee members listed on the contacts page. An event advisor will be available to support you throughout the planning process and on the day of the event.

On today's sprint course a purple line was added to the map between control 6 and 7 to emphasise that the Ha-ha (wall) and large metal gate on the road at it's southern end were an "uncrossable boundary". If during your run you did cross the purple line marked on the map, and you now realise this, could you please declare this to me. I will then arrange for your result to be amended to "disqualified".

Thanks to: Worth School for the use of the school grounds and the pavilion. Joe B/Penny P - Si Team, Jill B - Set up/start/control collection, Chris H – Control collection, Garry G - Control collection/Routegadget, Neil C - Racesignup/kit/planning advice/safety check, Mike G - Map printing. The SO Club Committee and of course everyone for coming.


Is a web app for sharing and comparing orienteering routes. You can draw your own route or upload a GPS track from your watch. It also allows you to watch an animated replay with a simulated mass start.

Pre event info

This event will be followed directly (12.15pm) by the AGM and annual prize giving. If the weather is good it may be al fresco.

Tea/coffee/squash will be provided at the AGM, please bring your own sandwiches/picnic and a blanket/folding chair to sit on.

Park O Series Info

Park-Os are friendly club events, usually in parks or school grounds, where children and newcomers are very welcome. These are fun events where you can get a feeling for the sport – you can walk or run, go as a group or on your own or challenge your navigation at high speed against some of our top competitive orienteers. Yellow and Orange courses are suitable for children to run on their own with a bit of practice. Adults are welcome to shadow children until they are confident to go on their own. Sprint courses are run or walked by any age group.

The Park-O series takes place in the early summer and early Autumn and is 8 events this year. Certificates are awarded for the best placed in a variety of age categories.

Volunteer here

Enquiries here

Read more about this series

Location Info

Nearest town: Turners Hill

* Postcodes are not very precise in some areas, so don't rely on them for an exact location.

Directions / Parking

North side of B2110 on hard standing. Please park as directed by marshals.

Nearest Postcode: RH10 4SD


Public Transport

Course Information

An explanation of the sprint symbols used on the map can be found here. Pay particular attention to the not-to-be-crossed wall,fence and hedge symbols.

Course lengths:

  • Yellow 1.3km
  • Orange 2.2km
  • Sprint 3.4km

The Yellow course is around the playing fields on the north side of the road and is an ideal course for those ready to run unaccompanied for the first time since a parent/guardian can watch from the centre of the fields.

Entry Details

Entry via Newcomers are welcome and eligible for a free trial session - if you'd like to reserve a map or discuss the event please email our membership secretary.

Entry fees: Sprint £5.00, Orange £2.50, Yellow £2.50 (SO Juniors free - use code SOJuniors)

SI card hire: Seniors £1 (£2 for SIAC), Juniors 50p (£1 for SIAC)

Registration open

From 9:45 to 10:45

Start Times

From 10:00 to 11:00 Courses close at 12:00

Map Details

1:4000 map mapped to ISSprOM (Sprint) specification except for the use of 5m contours.

Terrain Description

School grounds consisting of buildings and playing fields with some grassed and wooded areas. If it's wet underfoot, shoes with some grip are recommended (strictly no metal spikes).

Dog restrictions

On a lead whilst in the car park/school grounds. No dogs on the courses. Clear up after your dog.


Toilets will be available in the pavilion from 11:30am


Safety Bearing: North and cross road via footbridge

Contacts / Officials

Planner: Steve Blount

