Broadbridge Heath Monopoly RunTue 26 November, 2024

Near: Broadbridge Heath
Level of event: Activity
Type of event: Score, Social


Is a web app for sharing and comparing orienteering routes. You can draw your own route or upload a GPS track from your watch. It also allows you to watch an animated replay with a simulated mass start.

Pre event info

To celebrate National play Monopoly day (a week late due to the MV event).

Club Night Activity Series Info

Club night activities are primarily social activities normally held on a Tuesday evening. In the winter months they generally take place in towns and involve a combination of navigation running and some form of puzzle solving. Some treat them competitively but most run around in pairs or small groups. During the summer months (and occasionally during the winter) we have a run around the beautiful Sussex countryside, no controls or timing but a series of routes are recommended and shown on a map. Sessions last an hour and activities are set up to cater for a range of fitness levels.

A copy of the keeping safe at club night leaflet is available here: Clubnight Keeping Safe Handout.

Location Info

Nearest town: Broadbridge Heath

* Postcodes are not very precise in some areas, so don't rely on them for an exact location.

Directions / Parking

Parking in by The Bridge Leisure Centre (South end of Tesco car park)

Course Information

See Autumn Club Night webpage for details.

Entry Details

No fee but please sign up via StrawPoll

Start Times


Contacts / Officials

Planner: Robin Wilson

