Near: Cuckfield
Level of event: Local
Type of event:
- • Results
- • Routegadget
- • Splitsbrowser
- • Winsplits
- • League Tables
From a planner’s viewpoint, it was rather a challenge to offer courses significantly different from earlier events here.
I have enjoyed looking at the yesterday’s routes on Route Gadget. On both Blue and Green, I tried to test a variety of techniques to navigate some of the longer legs. Interestingly, in many cases, radically different choices resulted in similar times. Muddy paths or chancy routes through the trees? On shorter legs, any lapse in concentration could produce costly loss of time.
Shorter courses couldn’t reach the more interesting areas in the North. However, I hope they enjoyed the experience, even with the mud. Well done for coming.
All competitors deserve real congratulations in turning up at all! We were so lucky with the weather, between the two storms. It was touch and go where the event could even go ahead. However, I had an opportunity to reconnoitre late Friday afternoon, and check that the courses were safe. There was some new storm damage, but nothing that affected the courses. Phew!
As usual a great thank you to the SI team on the exposed site at Warden Park, Jane Lambert for her help at the start, the control collectors, and so many others who helped the event take place
Alan Williamson
Is a web app for sharing and comparing orienteering routes. You can draw your own route or upload a GPS track from your watch. It also allows you to watch an animated replay with a simulated mass start.
Pre event info
Before attending any orienteering activity, orienteers, including officials, volunteers and coaches, should self-assess for symptoms of COVID-19. These are:
- A high temperature
- A new, continuous cough
- A loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste
If you, or anyone you live with, have one or more of these symptoms you should not attend any sporting activity, even if your symptoms are mild.
We are offering FREE JUNIOR COACHING sessions for those who are learning to navigate the yellow or orange course. It is suitable for primary school age children and those just starting to learn how to get around a course using a map. The sessions are fun and based on learning key skills in short sessions. Please contact Karen Ashworth if you think you may be interested. Parents are welcome to attend too. Meet at 10am at the car park. Because the competition area is across a road and then a short walk from the parking, we will be leaving together from the car park at 10am promptly and children will be need to be met at 10:50 at the hub tent (hexagonal green tent) close to the start.
You will have time to do a course after the coaching, so please pre-book your course.
SOG Series Info
SOGs are friendly club events where children and newcomers are very welcome. Yellow and Orange courses are suitable for children to run on their own with a bit of practice. Adults are welcome to shadow children until they are confident to go on their own. Green and Blue courses are run or walked by any age group - you can race competitively or just enjoy the woodland.
There are two series of events - autumn and spring of approximately 8 events each. Electronic timing (SI) is used.
Help on the day always appreciated.
Location Info
Nearest town: Cuckfield
- Postcode: RH17 5DP *
- Lat,Lng:
- Grid Ref: TQ310245
* Postcodes are not very precise in some areas, so don't rely on them for an exact location.
Directions / Parking
The easiest route from all directions is via the A272. Parking is at Warden Park Academy, Broad Street, Cuckfield (B2184). RH17 5DP. Turn north off the A272 onto the B2184 from the roundabout at the eastern end of the Cuckfield bypass (signed Cuckfield B2184). The entrance into Warden Park Academy is after 800 metres on the left, just after the Wheatsheaf Pub. Parking is on the tennis courts (playground) accessed by taking the left fork of the driveway. Please follow signs and the marshals instructions.
Course Information
Yellow 1.7 km 50m climb
Orange 2.3 km 60m climb
Green 3.5 km 100m climb
Blue 5.0 km 100m climb
Entry Details
Pre-entry only via, there will be no entry on the day. Early entry helps with printing the correct number of maps.
Registration open
9:45 to 10:45
Start Times
10:00 to 11:00. Courses close at 12:30.
Map Details
Terrain Description
Varied. Some steep slopes on the Blue and Green courses.
None. No key drop. Please bring your own water to ensure adequate hydration.
- Adhere to the British Orienteering Code of Conduct.
- Allow others to social distance if they wish to do so.
- Avoid touching the start, finish and control units.
- Move away briskly from the start and all controls. Take time to recover before making your way to download.
Safety bearing: If in northern part of map, go south until tarmac path is reached. Then head west.
Note that the start / finish area is 600 metres from the car park, initially along pavements and then a public bridleway. Follow the red/white tapes – please use the pedestrian crossing to cross Broad Street. Two side roads also need to be crossed. Please take care. Parents/guardians are advised to accompany children under 16 crossing the road to the start and returning from the finish. Note that the start and finish will be close to each other. There is a punching start and finish. Yellow and Orange courses have a compulsory crossing point over the stream. You MUST cross here. The bridge is narrow and slippery. Take care when crossing. Some sections of barbed wire fence that are not visible will be taped.
Contacts / Officials
Planner: Alan Williamson
Photo Gallery
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