SOG S1Chailey Common North & CoachingSat 10 February, 2024

Near: Chailey
Level of event: Local
Type of event: Race



Congratulations to SO's Super Siblings Ben and Emma Chapman for their winning runs on Blue and Green respectively, well done.

Today’s event was sold out on the short green, green and blue courses. This meant that anyone entering after Thursday was faced with a limited choice of courses to enter. Map quantities are selected based on previous attendances at the event, printed (thank you Mike G) and posted to the event planner a week before the event. Online entries to SOG events usually open at least 14 days before the event and remain so until 2000hrs on the Friday evening prior to the event.

On another note please, please, please volunteer to help at a SOG event, you can speak/email anyone on the club contacts page and they will put you in touch with the event planner. It would be nice to see some new SO names on the list below, don't be shy now!

Thanks to: East Sussex County Council for the use of Red House Common, Chailey Heritage for the use of their car park, Joe B/Penny P/ Paul W - Si Team, Jill B– Set up/road crossing, Tim & Linda H - Car parking, Di & Mike T – “Here to help”, Garry G - Control collection/Routegadget, Chris H – Control collection/map updates, Neil C - Racesignup/kit/safety check/control collection, Mike G - Map printing, The SO Club Committee and of course everyone for coming.


Is a web app for sharing and comparing orienteering routes. You can draw your own route or upload a GPS track from your watch. It also allows you to watch an animated replay with a simulated mass start.

Pre event info

We are offering FREE COACHING this week for both children and adults. This is part of our monthly coaching programme. Younger juniors who are on white or yellow courses or just starting out will be with Karen. Parents may stay with juniors if they are new to it or very young.

Older juniors and adults or anyone wanting to run orange courses and upwards will be doing coaching with Rob and may also have some opportunity for some one to one mentoring.

Please register your interest in good time on Spond or with Anna if you don't have the Spond app. Meet at the coaching flag at 9:45, ready to start at 10am. Please pre-enter for your course as normal, you will have time to run after the coaching.

SOG Series Info

SOGs are friendly club events where children and newcomers are very welcome. Yellow and Orange courses are suitable for children to run on their own with a bit of practice. Adults are welcome to shadow children until they are confident to go on their own. Green and Blue courses are run or walked by any age group - you can race competitively or just enjoy the woodland.

There are two series of events - autumn and spring of approximately 8 events each. Electronic timing (SI) is used.

Help on the day always appreciated.

Volunteer here

Enquiries here

Location Info

Nearest town: Chailey

* Postcodes are not very precise in some areas, so don't rely on them for an exact location.

Directions / Parking

Chailey Heritage School car park. Please park as directed.

Public Transport

Nearest train station Haywards Heath. Bus service from Haywards Heath.

Course Information

  • Yellow 1.2km 30m
  • Orange 2.3km 50m
  • Short Green 2.7km 40 m
  • Green 4.3km 80m
  • Blue 5.7km 120m

800m (15 minute) walk from car park to the start.

Entry Details

Pre-entry via Newcomers are welcome and eligible for a free trial session - if you'd like to reserve a map or discuss the event please email our membership secretary.

BOF member fees: Seniors £6.50, Juniors £3.25, SO Juniors free.
Non member fees: Seniors £7.50, Juniors £3.25.

If shadowing a junior or going as a family group with one map and one dibber, just enter one junior.

'Dibber' hire:
Electronic punching (SI) chips are available to hire. SIAC (contactless): £2 (juniors £1), non-SIAC (not contactless) £1 (juniors £0.5)

Registration open

9:45 to 10:45

Start Times

10:00 to 11:00. Courses close at 12:30.

Map Details

Red House Common 1:5000, 5m contours. Survey and cartography to ISOM 2017 using OCAD 20, 2021-24 by Chris Hooker.

Terrain Description

Heathland with a good network of paths. Some smaller paths have not been mapped.

Dog restrictions

On a lead in the car park. On the Common dogs are welcome under close control. Clear up after your dog.


None. Bring your own drinking water.


Safety Bearing: South

Road Crossing: Junior competitors must be supervised by parents/guardians when crossing the A272 from the car park to Red House Common and back again.

There is a small crag in the NW of the competition area. The top of the crag will be taped off with black & yellow tape.

Exmoor ponies are currently grazing on the common.

The area is popular with dog walkers and horse riders, please give them plenty of room to pass.

Bramble bashers recommended.

Contacts / Officials

Planner: Steve Blount

