SEOULBrighton City RaceSat 17 December, 2022
Near: Brighton
Level of event: Local
Type of event:
Race, Night, Urban, Social, Juniors
Due to pandemic we haven't been able to hold the race for the last couple of years so I wanted to make sure we got back into the iconic parts of Brighton this year ie the sea front and the Lanes. Regular attendees will know that I like to try different approaches to split runners up including route choice, butterflies and runners choice elements - but what to try this year? Previous feedback has indicated that lots of people following the same route in the Lanes can cause issues with the general public and so I decided to introduce a score element. This was always going to be a risk as many regular orienteers "don't do score", add those to those that don't do night, or urban, or mass starts and we could have been looking at a very low turnout. However that it what the BCR is all about and it was good to see a good number of you despite the cold temperatures and the train strikes. Unfortunately during lockdown Brighton and Hove massively hiked the cost of parking in the city, I was impressed though the hear about peoples' approaches to overcoming these transport issues. Feedback on the evening was generally along the lines of initially being uncertain about the value of the score element but then finding it a real challenge and more enjoyable than they thought it would be. Courses 1-4 all had the same set of 13 controls and most competitors managed to find them all, unlike with a normal score event it did matter if you left one out. Thanks to a great set of control collectors we were packed up and ready to leave soon after 21:00 but then spent a bit of time thinking about what we could do next year - at the moment we just have a date (Dec 16th) and the fact that the race will be in Brighton somewhere, everything else is flexible.
Neil Crickmore (planner)
Is a web app for sharing and comparing orienteering routes. You can draw your own route or upload a GPS track from your watch. It also allows you to watch an animated replay with a simulated mass start.
Pre event info
Final Details are now available.
Although much of the SE is still covered in snow and ice Brighton seems to have escaped the worst of this and a drive round by the organiser on Thursday evening indicated that the streets are generally clear of ice. With higher temperatures expected on Saturday we are confident that the event can go ahead.
Location Info
Nearest town: Brighton
- Postcode: *
- Lat,Lng:50.82241,-0.14279
- Grid Ref:
- Google Map
- Streetmap (OS 50k)
- Bing Map (OS 50k)
- OpenStreetMap
* Postcodes are not very precise in some areas, so don't rely on them for an exact location.
Directions / Parking
Details to follow
Course Information
The following courses are available, you can enter any course you want but if you want to compete for a Brighton City Race medal/prize you should enter the appropriate course.
Course 1 Men Open (16+)
Course 2 Men Vets (aged 40-50) Women Open (16+)
Course 3 Men Super Vets (55-60) Women Vets (40-50)
Course 4 Men Ultra Vets (65+) Women Super Vets (55-60)
Course 5 Women Ultra Vets (65+) M/W Hypervets (75+)
Course 6 M&W Juniors (12-16) and Accompanied Juniors (under 16)
Entry Details
Entries are open at
By 4 December 2022 - Earlybird - £9, Juniors (U26) £4
By 11 December 2022 - Standard - £10, £5
By 16 December 2022 (maps permitting) - Late - £12, £6
Entry on the night (maps permitting) - £15, £10
SI card hire £1 (or £2 for contactless) half price for juniors.
Start Times
Mass start at 18:30
Map Details
1:4,000 with 5m contours
Contacts / Officials
Planner: Neil Crickmore
Organiser: Robert Lines